Lucas (year 10) taking a break from his countryside management supported work placement with his Lapwing tutor and our partners, The Norwich Fringe Project.
Lapwing Education delivery partners:
4YP, Ipswich
Access Community Trust, Lowestoft
Ace of Spades (Allotment Project), Ipswich
Aldeburgh Music, Snape Maltings
Asperger East Anglia, Beccles
Beyond The Wall, Eye
Broad Green Farm, Bury St. Edmunds
Brockford Barn (Time and Space), Stowmarket
Castle Hill Community Centre, Ipswich
Chantry Park Project, Ipswich
Clinks Care Farm, Beccles
Community Action Suffolk, Ipswich
Co-Op Resource Centre, Ipswich
Dance East, Ipswich
Downham Care Farm, Woodbridge
Fenacre, Stowmarket
Field of Dreams, Thurston
Fromms Centre, Saxmundham
Gainsborough Sports Centre, Ipswich
Green Light Trust, Suffolk
Gym-Khana, Ufford
Hill Farm Riding Stables, Bury St Edmunds
Hollow Trees Farm, Semer, Hadleigh
Hyndeman Centre, Bury St. Edmunds
Delivery partners
Our office is based in Martlesham Heath and we do a small amount of tutoring there for students based in the local area. However, we predominantly work peripatetically across East Anglia with staff going out to students and working with them in venues local to their homes. These venues are determined solely by the focus of the student’s programme. If a young person is interested in animal care then we will access a nearby care farm with them; if a student is studying English then we will tutor them in a local library or other appropriate venue. In order to deliver effective programmes we use a broad range of venues and delivery partners to offer individual students a highly personalised provision. Some of these delivery partners and venues are listed below and add significant value to our provision offer.
If you run a provision and would like to talk to us about becoming a delivery partner then please contact us on 01473 621762 or at
Jars of Clay, Rendlesham
Lingwood Care Farm, Norwich
Mersea Outdoors, Mersea Island
Noise Solution, Suffolk
Norfolk libraries
Norwich Fringe Countryside Management, Norwich,
Pakefield Riding School, Lowestoft
People’s Community Garden, Maidenhall Allotments
Potsford Farm, Woodbridge
Re-Create, Ipswich
Red Rose Chain, Ipswich
Red2Green (Options Project) Swaffham
Rendlesham Community Centre, Rendlesham
Saxstead Riding School, Framlingham
Scout Hut, Martlesham
Stonham Barnes Owl Sanctuary, Suffolk
Sudbury Community Hub, Sudbury
Suffolk libraries
Suffolk Owl Sanctuary, Stonham Barns, Stonham Aspal
The Centre, Bury St. Edmunds
The Conservation Volunteers, Norwich
The Cragg Climbing Wall, Suffolk Leisure Centre, Stowmarket
The Mix, Stowmarket
The New Skills Centre, Ipswich
Top Cats, Lowestoft