Naomi, a participant on Minding The Gap, designed the existing Lapwing logo.
Jude (post 16 student) and Dru (tutor) working on lego robotics.
Charlie (year 9) during a boxing session.
Lapwing is both a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee and has a Board of Trustees legally responsible for the governance and management of the organisation. The day to day management of the company is delegated to the Executive Leadership Team, led by the Chief Executive Officer. The Board meets every half term to review performance and provide strategic direction.
Our trustees come from a variety of backgrounds, both private and public sector, and have a range of professional expertise:
Jessica Quantrill, Senior Transformation Manager, BT (Named safeguarding trustee)
Kate Miller, Barrister at East Anglian Chambers (Chair of Trustees)
Lisa Perkins, Director Adastral Park and Research Realisation, BT
Sophy Jones, Educational specialist, former CEO of Lapwing
Tom Boother, company trainer and professional coach
Our Executive Leadership Team consists of:
Will Fletcher, CEO (Company Secretary)
Lisa Squirrell, Head of Education, Suffolk
Kendra Collier, Head of Education, Norfolk
Declaration of interests for trustees and Executive Leadership Team.
Why not consider joining us as a trustee?
The role is a valuable one to us as an organisation and a rewarding one to our trustees. It is voluntary (although out-of-pocket expenses may be claimed) and carries with it responsibilities to make serious decisions regarding Lapwing’s future. The role requires commitment, generosity, a strong personal affinity with our work and the dedication and skills or experience to make a difference. The Board meet formally every two months and individual trustees also support the organisation in a variety of other ways according to their time and background, for example through offering consultancy, staff training, attending promotional events.
The Board of Trustees is always looking for new members with the skills and experience to complement and enrich our existing team.
Potential trustees are invited to contact Will Fletcher, CEO, via email: or Tel: 07501 969099.