Dominic (Year 11) during his work placement at a stable yard.
Alfie (post 16) working at Lapwing’s allotment in Ipswich.
Making a referral
making a referral
Lapwing pre-16 student referral form
Lapwing post 16 student referral form
Professionals should seek data sharing permission before making a referral. For Lapwing’s SLT to consider whether we can meet the need of a child or young person, we request that the referring professional completes an age specific referral form (see links to forms above) and sends this by email to the relevant area based contact listed below alongside any relevant professional documentation. For a referral to be considered it MUST be accompanied by, where applicable, a current EHCP, the latest Annual Review, an EP or SALT report, the latest risk assessment.
In line with Lapwing’s admissions policy, if we can meet need, then we will send a costed programme proposal to the commissioner. Once funding has been approved, the young person will be placed on our waiting list until a space becomes available. Please note that, while every effort is made to commence provision promptly, we cannot guarantee an immediate start.
referral enquiries
Before professionals share documentation about a child or young person it is important to ascertain if Lapwing is likely to be the right service to support this young person, especially if this is the first time you have made a referral to Lapwing.
For Essex based student referral enquiries please contact Sarah Bowman on 07355 170145 and
For Suffolk based student referral enquiries please contact Nikki Brand on 07789 276911 and
For Norfolk based student referral enquiries please contact Kendra Collier on 07731 998674 and